Southern Regional Council and St Joan Antide School

Southern Regional Council and St Joan Antide School

Our pupils took part in a cultural

activity held at Bir Miftuh Gudja.

Here is what they wish for their future:

  • In the future I would like to see more plants around Malta & Gozo. I would also like to see more people reuse and recycle things so there will be a cleaner environment.
  • In the future I would like to be a vet to help animals feel better. I have always been amazed with animals and how loyal they can be. I hope that my passion can be fulfilled in the future.
  • In the future I would like to be a vet to help them. Because they are so loyal and amazing how they can listen to you. I hope that my passion can be fulfilled in the future.
  • In the future I would like to be a lawyer, so that maybe I can prove that you can never judge someone by their looks.
  • In the future, I would like to be a teacher so I can help children to learn more.
  • In the near future I would like to have more open green spaces around the Maltese islands and maybe less construction sites while conserving our natural heritage.
  • In the future, I wish to be a creative arts teacher so I can prove that everyone is an artist and to make children believe that they can reach their goals if they put hard work into it.
  • In the future I would like to open a salon to make creative hairstyles
  • I wish to be a vet because I love animals and I wish to help them.
  • In the future I wish to be a fashion designer because I like to express myself in fashion and art.
  • Fil-futur, nixtieq li jkun hemm aktar kampanji biex il-familji jkunu jistgħu jagħmlu l-attivitajiet waqt li jaraw Malta kemm hi sabiħa!
  • In the future I wish people could be more aware of the plants and trees.And I wish they could take more care of the environment around us.
  • In the future I would like to reach my goals to be a scientest but also to have the people around the world take more care of the envirment.
  • In the future I would like to be a doctor to help patients recover from their injuries and pain. I also wish that we have less pollution and dust for better environment.
  • In the future i wish to be an artist so I can have enough money to build a museum for artIn the future I wish that we have clean environment and space where I can stay and enjoy my family
  • Jien nixtieq ngħix futur nadif